Why should your Business go “Digital”_


March 23, 2023

By Hawa Mwakatundu

The song of ‘digital transformation’ has reached a point where most business owners see it as something that can be put on hold because although it’s important, it’s not a priority and that is where everything starts going wrong.



  • The business starts losing customers because they’re seeing new technologies and want to experience them but you are not there yet.
  • Your business partners start looking for other partners because they have evolved digitally hence their focus has moved towards transformation while yours is still analogue. 



As a business owner, you need to think of everything from a Global Context and that means embarking on a digital transformation journey to adapt to the changes and keep up with the rest of the world. This is how you can do it;


1. Seek transformation partners

You’re not expected to be 100% in all aspects of your business. Form partnerships with experts that already have the solutions you need to reach where you need to be.


2. Adopt an agile approach

Encourage innovation and allow the team to experiment with different ideas until they come up with the one that will provide growth and evolution.


3. Create internal synergy

Different parts of the business should cooperate in concluding what is the best route the business should take according to the company vision creating a sense of ownership.


4. Fund it as an investment

This is the sensitive part that most business owners avoid. Most of the time is due to the wrong strategy created hence it can be approached by doing it in phases e.g., assessing the customer journey requirements create a payment mechanism with an automated delivery system. The client will be able to get the product paid for without human interaction hence the business will run itself.


5. View it as a digital business transformation

Understand what your customers want. It is always about them so, what do you currently offer and how does it simplify or complicate your customer’s life? Once that has been identified then there won't be any reason for them to go elsewhere to get the service you can provide e.g. You sell multiple products and you know your customers want simplicity, so why not have an E-commerce Platform or Mobile Application?


Open your business to the digital world and experience first-hand how digitalization can give you unlimited success when it comes to Customer Experience, Data & Analytics, Mobility and even Cloud Computing. Having competence in the four areas will assure a positive impact in every aspect of your business, your business will be FUTURE PROOF.

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